Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Finding Your Way

    3. What to Expect

    4. Assessing Learning

    5. Extend & Contextulize

    6. Let's Go!

    1. Course Goals

    2. Course Introduction by Michael Iannini

    3. Guiding Questions

    4. Course Flow

    5. Your Learning Log

    1. Module 1 Slide Deck

    2. Learn: What is Mentoring?

    3. Role Play: Mentoring Demonstration Video

    4. Discuss: Mentoring versus Coaching

    5. Learn: Defining Mentoring

    6. Learn: Mentoring Skills and Dispositions

    7. Learning Log: Reflection #1

    8. Learn: Benefits for You, Your Colleague and the School

    9. Discuss: The Benefits of Mentoring for Teaching and Learning

    10. Learn: The Mentoring Process and Contracting

    11. Learn: Focus Inquiry Interview

    12. Role Play: Focus Inquiry Interview Demonstration

    13. Learning Log: Reflection #2

    14. Quiz

    1. Extend and Contextualize

    1. Module 2 Slide Deck

    2. Learn: Essential Mentoring Skills

    3. Discuss: Building and Diminishing Trust

    4. Learn: Active Listening and Effective Questioning

    5. Learning Log: Reflection #3

    6. Learn: STRIDE Mentoring

    7. Quiz

    1. Module 3 Slide Deck

    2. Learn: Developing Effective Inquiry

    3. Learn: Clarifying and Probing Questions

    4. Learning Log: Reflection #4

    5. Role Play: STRIDE Ideation and Decision Making Demonstration

    6. Learning Log: Reflection #5

    7. Quiz

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 53 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content